Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Comparison between Where's the Soiree and Konad black

Anita from KONADomania ask me if I want to compare two black polishes, how they work with konad.

First of them is Konad Special Polish and another is Color Club Where's the Soiree.

For the base color I used two China Glaze polishes; Spontaneous and Light as Air!
I was interested in the difference in the bright base and a darker.

I found out that both polishes are well pigmented. Konad polish is a little more pigmented, but this is not so noticeable on the photos. Another annoying thing was with konad polish, because it's very hard to clean what goes to skin. Color Club polish was easy to clean from skin around nails.

A real mess started when I added top coat. Konad polish didn't pass the test and Where's the Soiree did a great job. I added Essie Good to Go 5 minutes after the konad and you can see what happened.

So my winner is Color Club Where's the Soiree. I definitely recommend it for black konad designs. :)

Have a nice day!


  1. super primerjava!
    tale color club je že na WL, potem pa mogoče kaj skonadiram :)

  2. Hvala, Anček! Ja, še vedno čakam na kako tvojo konadikuro. Držim pesti, da se kmalu opogumiš! :)

  3. They recommend that you use a Konad top coat over Konad stamping polishes. I've never had any problems with smearing when I use it. It's nice to have other options though. It looks like the Color Club polish stamps well :)

  4. Biba => Hvala! :)

    April => Thanx!

    Polish Hoarder => Thank you for you comment! I know that is better to use Konad top polish and I own it too. But I've decided to make comparison just between that two polishes and with Good to go.
    And with Konad top coat I have always such a problems, because it needs so much time to dry. It makes me crazy. :)

  5. Sicer nimam Konadovega črnega, ampak ga tudi ne rabim. Where's the Soiree je krasen za konadiranje!

  6. Res superca primerjava! ko porabim konad black, vem, kaj si naročim:D

  7. nihrida => Točno to, ja. Sem želela še črno na belem (no, v mojem primeru na vijoličnem) dokazati, da je CC lak čisto dober za konad. No, še boljši! :D

    KONADomania => Hvala! Upam, da sem ti kaj pomagala pri odločitvi. Ta lak je res super! :)

  8. Ohh! Good to know! I hate when the design streaks with the top coat! Ugh!

  9. Super primerjava! Hvala! Sicer ne uporabim velikokrat črnega laka za konadiranje. Imam črnega Konadovega in me je vedno jezilo, ker se razmaže z nadlakom. Zdaj imam tudi Konad nadlak in bomo videli, ali bi kaj bolje. ;)

  10. ch3rryco1a => Yes, everybody hate this. *angry*

    Maestra => Konad top coat je super, ker res ne razmaže vzorčka, ampak se suši 100 let. Ponavadi dam še čez tega g2g. :D
