Sunday, April 25, 2010

Look by Bipa - Sunset

This is sunny color for sunny days. :)

At my last visit to Austria I bought 3 Look by Bipa polishes. Here is the first one.

The application wasn't so perfect. The polish is streaky and next time I will add some thinner and it may be better.

The color is really strong and now my nails look just like sun's rays. :)

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Ko bi bilo še pri nas toliko sončka, kot ga je na tvojih nohtih ;)

  2. Biba, saj mi imamo danes cel dan sonček. Tako, da moja manikura je čisto v stilu. :D

  3. It looks nice on you, but I wouldn't get it for me, yellow doesn't suit me at all :)

  4. Čudovita barva! Si morem omisliti kaj takšnega. :) Koliko pa kaj stanejo tile lakci? Očitno že predolgo nisem bila v Bipi, ker se jih sploh ne spomnim. :)

  5. Tile so 1.99€, vendar je notri samo 5ml.
    Mislim, da so še bolj frišni in da jih še nimajo tako dolgo. Imajo pa kar precejšno izbiro, tako, da se kar splača it pogledat. :)

    Pa hvala! *hug*
