My manicure today is certainly more appropriate for autumn days, than for these beautiful, sunny, spring days.
(Well, just now it's raining and the weather is anything but spring). :)

Essie Bahama Mama is a nice jelly red with a little fuchsia touch.

The application was a bit problematic. Especially the first coat was uneven and streaky, but with the second coat looks better.
On my photos are 2 coats.

Of course I had to add some konad pattern. :)

I used black special konad polish and konad plate m63.

What do you think?
Lep odtenek ne glede na letni čas!
ReplyDeleteKako lep odtenek. Super ti pristoji.
ReplyDeleteHvala, punci. :)
ReplyDeleteJa, sam Essie bi bil primeren za pomladne dni, ampak s črnim konadom je pa precej temačno izpadlo. :P
meni pa ni všeč tale saj zato je pa pri tebi =)
ReplyDeletesi pa zelo lepo pokonadirala:D
Anček, hvala.
ReplyDeletePa še sreča, da ti ni všeč, da sem ga tako jaz dobila. :))
Meni eden lepših odtenkov od Essence. Škoda, ker je malo težaven za nanašanje. Priznam, da mi je bolj všeč brez Konad-a. ;)
ReplyDeleteMaestra, a misliš od Essie? ;)
ReplyDeleteJa, nanos je res precej problematičen, ampak mi je tako všeč, da se tud to potrpi. :)
Your nails are so gorgeous! I love the color too, i even think it's perfect for hot summer nights ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michèle. :) Oooh, my nails can not be compared with yours. Yours are really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteJust Essie is perfect for all seasons, but with my konad combination was a little dark. :)