Lakec China Glaze - Something Sweet sem samostojno že predstavila, zato je danes na vrsti skupaj s konad vzorčkom.

Čez kremno, roza osnovo sem nanesla črn konad lak in vzorček s konad plate m57.

Ker sem pred časom gledala Nihridin tutorial, kako ona naredi Ruffian manikuro, sem se odločila, da bom tole še sama preizkusila. Vendar, ker nisem (še) takšna mojstrica, kot Nihrida, je nastala bolj ponesrečena Ruffian manikura, vendar sem se vseeno odločila, da vam jo pokažem. :)

Lep pozdrav!
meni je pa zelo všeč tvoj Ruffian, bi si ga tudi sama naredila pa imam čisto kratke nohtke :(
ReplyDeleteTudi meni je všeč in mislim, da ti je uspelo :)
ReplyDeleteAnček => Boš videla kako hitro bodo spet zrasli. :) Hvala.
ReplyDeleteBiba => Hvala tud tebi.
The black cross-hatch over the pale pink ROCKS! The ruffian is pretty cute too. Okay last week I ordered 7 more Konad plates and somehow I didn't get the one with the cross-hatch. Ack! Thanks for showing such great ideas! -jen
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
ReplyDeletewaw prava mojstrica si.. kako lepo si naredila to s konadom!!! ful dobr =)
ReplyDeleteOMG - I LOVE THIS!!! *yelling*
ReplyDeleteIt's like the back of a beautiful patton-leather shoe with fishnet tights!
mancina => No, ja, ravno za mojstrico se še nimam. :)) Se pa trudim. Hvala za tak lep kompliment. :)
ReplyDeleteyardsticks 4 lunatics => Thank you. Every comment (especialy if it's positive) makes me happy. :)
Very cute!!!
ReplyDeletegildedangel, thanks :)